Bloom. Refresh. Awaken.
This season, I am teaming up with my good friend Shawn of Old Town Roasting again to create 3 harmonious morning treats to compliment with his 3 brand new single origin types of coffee roasts for a taste of spring! And thus...this menu was born...for one day only!
The Last Two Months.
2016 was quite an interesting journey – but the tail end of the year set-up for a lot of exciting avenues for the New Year. The last two months have been a whirlwind – and I wanted to just take a quick moment to recap of what has happened...
We want to share this Holiday recipe with you in collaboration with Master of One Podcast, Recipe Schmecipe, and Old Town Roasting to complete the ultimate...HOLIDAY MEAL TIME WITH FRIENDS!
Has anybody noticed the increase in national food holidays? Anyway, it was a coincidence to experiment making these this weekend. This process was made possible the one and only IZY HOSSACK from Top with Cinnamon (we love your name too!) for making an amazing step-by-step tutorial on making these babies. Check it out here! And now I am hooked!
On one chilly evening, a handful of friends gathered for some good ol' food + libations to celebrate Hallow's Eve's Harvest...
It's a salmon salad...on the crispier side! This salad is super flexible(as are most salads!), and you can choose to cook the salmon however you like - I've pan-fried and baked (-it really just literally depends on the weather-), but either way, it's simple and delicious.
NY Fashion Week is upon us, so we thought we would enlighten you with another NYC Edition post...with just a hint of the food experienced there!
That's right folks -Roasted Garlic Macaroni and Cheese with Bacon Yumminess. It's time to indulge in the savory... right before you get ready to detox for the Summer, right?
Let's host a brunch...because who doesn’t like brunch? I have found that bonding over food (especially with great company!) has always forged lasting memories and new friendships.
(Full Set of Photos)
Because you really do have to be a Ninja to prepare breakfast in bed to surprise your dear mother or guardian on her special day.
We have some simple,classic go-to breakfast ideas to get the gears going.
We would like to officially welcome Chef Eddie Aguilera to the S+C Team!
Eddie describes his inspiration and love for food as "...a way to bring people together through my own form of self-expression."
Learn more about Eddie on our blog!
Check out our adventure on the Golden Valley Sheep Farm milking sheep, exploring the new Fodder production technology, artisan cheese, and all the farm animals that were such characters!
We brought the best of the summer season and created some unique and fun bites and cocktails as well as a hands-on tortilla cooking class to share with our lovely guests...
We love that there are markets everywhere almost everyday in the city!
Check out some of our favorites here!
Take us back to this magical night....
Spring is upon us, but we wanted to take you guys down memory lane to our first event to kick-off our new project next season! Salt and Cinnamon collaborated with the talented Chef Eddie Aguilera to celebrate the Autumn Harvest on his rooftop by candle light. We set the table for twelve lovely guests overlooking a beautiful coastal city with salt sea breeze filling the air at first. As the food was cooking, notes of cinnamon, nutmeg and garlic floated out the kitchen window and to our eagerly awaiting guests...we'll let the pictures beautifully captured by Roxy Rodriguez tell the rest of the story...
We wanted to make a simple, hearty, and relatively healthy breakfast that would be easy to serve up to your friends and family on any weekend because...well...your friends and family are awesome and you should make them something. So why not a....frittata?
"Whoa, whoaaa - A 'Fri-wha-what'? What's that?"
Craving cereal for breakfast...but it's cold outside....so want something warm...but not oatmeal. So...try a hot quinoa cereal! You can make it with whatever toppings you like or whatever you have at home. Decided to make an Apple Cinnamon flavor. Great for something different for breakfast or a post workout snack. AND this is protein-rich, gluten and dairy-free and easily vegan by subbing the honey. Say whhaaaaaa?....
A comfort food classic.
Those rainy days. Cold days. Cuddle days. Movie nights. Creative spark of madness times.
All you want is a good ol' bowl of warm tomato soup and 'grilled' cheese sandwich...
We baked. We delivered. You ate them. You loved them. And you were wired...all night long. Success...
Every year, we pick out a sugar pie pumpkin to make a new pumpkin recipe every year. This year, we decided to make a moist pumpkin cake inspired by Food 52's recipe post by Sarah Jampel with an adapted version of "Mom's" special and super easy cream cheese frosting. This recipe is intended for a 9-inch cake, but we decided to create mini bunt cakes and cupcakes...
A healthy snack on-the-go that you can give yourself a pat on the back for.
Home made granola really blew our minds on how easy, simple, versatile and delicious it was( and relatively inexpensive)! And high in fiber...
Strawberries. Chocolate. Cupcakes.
Whatever you think of this day, we just love making sweet things for people. These are simple things we did this Valentine's Day that can easily be made throughout the year...after all....we do not need just one day to let people know they are special...